

Monday, January 28, 2013

Jan 27

Jan 27

An attempt at a self portrait.

Of course, the image I like best I've chopped my foot off! 

I should have moved the couch around to get some more light on us - because I had to drop my SS to 80 (with ISO maxed out at 1600). 


  1. This is lovely, sweetie! What a great connection you've captured! Now I want to get out my wireless remote!

  2. This is a fantastic capture, foot chop and all! I know for a fact that your boy will love this and not notice the comp at all:)

  3. This is so beautiful! Such pretty light and a wonderful moment! I can just hear him laughing!

  4. I didn't even notice the foot chop until you mentioned it :)
    The light is beautiful.
    How do you get your pics so sharp with a low SS and a relatively high ISO? My high ISO pics end up so grainy....


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