

Friday, January 25, 2013

Jan 25

Jan 25

A rare moment when he agreed to stay still for a photo - and I miss focus! Not completely sure it's entirely my fault, I think my poor old camera and lens are needing a tune-up. 

One day, I dream of a full frame body and nice sharp prime lens. One day.


  1. oooooh i would be thrilled with a photo as sharp as this!! i have focusing issues! my dream is your dream..the mark iii is on my wishlist!

  2. my goodness your photos are so sharp and spot on! i would totally believe these were taken w/ full frame and prime lens! i love love the one pic at the top...believe it's your son in the bathtub in b&w.....the b&w is beautiful!

  3. Thanks to both of you!It has been sharpened - but it's off slightly. At full size you can see the couch fabric and hair are a little sharper. Not sure if it's focus is off slightly, or if it's user error!

  4. Oh, girl! You are rocking what you've got and I can't tell from your images that you are shooting on a crop without a prime lens... You are fantastic and your images are all lovely!!!!

  5. I agree with Erin, I think they are great. I wish I could rock my shots so well.


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