

Monday, February 18, 2013

Feb 15

feb 15

Learning how to do forward rolls on the trampoline.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Feb 10 -14

It's been a hot week here in southern Australia and my poor old computer is struggling with the heat, as am I. Hard drives are chugging, tempers are fraying and I'm getting behind in posting my daily pics and keeping up with the online course I'm doing.

On the upside I can read a few threads on my phone while I wait for a photo to open in Lightroom...

Feb 10

Feb 10

Milkshakes at our local, and favourite, cafe

Feb 11 

Feb 11

The aftermath of Vegemite toast!

Feb 12

Feb 12

Day home sick watching Peppa Pig on the ipad

Feb 13

Feb 13

His legs are getting longer every time I look at him. He'll soon be tall enough to upgrade to the big red bike he so desires.

Feb 14

Feb 14

Happy Valentine's Day - hope you had a lovely one.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Feb 9 - a day in the life

Lately I've found myself getting very caught up in trying to get my colour processing right which has been a big battle and one I'm not going to win until I get my screen calibrated (if it can be!). I've been tearing my hair out trying to get the 'skin tone numbers' to work out just right and I forgot what I loved about photography.

Last week I was hating every photo I took and getting really frustrated with myself, my equipment and even my poor 'models', so on Saturday I thought I'd forget the technical stuff for a day and shoot what I love - lifestyle documentary photos of my family having a lazy Saturday. Excuse the photo overload - I promise I did cull but this was as small as I could get it!

  A day in the life
A day in the life
A day in the life

A day in the life
A day in the life
A day in the life
A day in the life
A day in the life
A day in the life
A day in the life
A day in the life
A day in the life
A day in the life
A day in the life
A day in the life
A day in the life
A day in the life

A day in the life

A day in the life

Feb 1 - 8

Catching up!

February 1 

Feb 1

Listening to Stephen Fry read Harry Potter. Heaven. Could there be a better match?

February 2 

Feb 2

I'm experimenting with a full lightroom workflow. Haven't quite figured out the best settings for export - this is bit noisier and less sharp than I expected. Deep in thought (or staring at the television like a zombie?)

February 3 

Feb 3

My littlest lego builder

February 4   

feb 1-4

Feeling a bit grumpy after school. :(

February 5 

Feb 5

This little man has been a bit out of sort this week. I think he's missing his brother! Even though they've each had a day at home each week by themselves for the last year it must be strange to have him away a bit more.

February 6

Feb 6

A happier boy today (a day off!)

 February 7 

Feb 7

Riding to school.
His legs seem to have grown three inches over summer and this bike is looking too small - he just needs to grow another inch or two to be able to ride the next size up.
He can't quite touch the ground and while he doesn't need training wheels, he does need the confidence of being able to put his feet down!

February 8 

Feb 8

My little "indie boy" model. Adore this cheeky little boy!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jan 31

jan 31

My big boy had his first day of school today. 

He was a little nervous, a little excited but very ready. 

His highlight: having lunch and playing with his buddy (a grade six student)

The 'worst bit': having to lie down on the floor and have a rest

I can't believe I have a child at school! Where did the time go?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Jan 30

jan 30

Getting a haircut before he starts school!

(I am so shy about taking my camera out in 'public' so this was a quick shot fired off without any thought for composition. Wish I could relax more and take my time!).

Tomorrow, he starts school. A new adventure begins.

Jan 29

jan 29 reedit

Trying out some low light, (directional light I guess) with W's new "light saver" (light sabre = emergency torch!).

Looks really bad here and on flickr - lots of weird banding around the torch - it's not like that in photoshop so not sure what the issue is?

Monday, January 28, 2013

Jan 28

Jan 28

Off for a camping adventure with his daddy.

Unfortunately, their bush camping plans didn't work out (bushfires...) so they're at a caravan park. But, I'm sure they'll have fun anyway. :)

Jan 27

Jan 27

An attempt at a self portrait.

Of course, the image I like best I've chopped my foot off! 

I should have moved the couch around to get some more light on us - because I had to drop my SS to 80 (with ISO maxed out at 1600). 

Jan 26

Jan 26

My gorgeous, cheeky 3 year old.

He's been having a lot of pain recently with an infection he's been fighting, so it's nice to see him smiling like this.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Jan 25

Jan 25

A rare moment when he agreed to stay still for a photo - and I miss focus! Not completely sure it's entirely my fault, I think my poor old camera and lens are needing a tune-up. 

One day, I dream of a full frame body and nice sharp prime lens. One day.

Jan 24

Jan 24

Looking much too little to be starting school in less than a week...

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jan 23

jan 23

I love that Mr 3 is now old enough to participate in games with Mr 5.
Sure, there's frustration on both sides but they're both learning different things by playing together.

Plus, it let's me get out of playing the same game over and over!

Jan 22

jan 22

I love this profile shot of my youngest son. 

His "indie boy" hair, the little dimple at his elbow and that beautiful little face.

Jan 21

jan 21

After two and a half years at childcare it's time to move on to bigger things.

School starts next week and this little boy can't wait. To be honest, neither can I!
He's going to love it I think.

Jan 20


My biggest boy. Deep in thought.
A rare moment of silence.
He tells me "I've got so many thoughts in my head I just can't stay quiet!"

Monday, January 21, 2013

Jan 19

jan 19

My beautiful mum with my gorgeous niece. I attempted a mini shoot with my two boys and my niece after work on Saturday. Didn't quite go as planned (ran out of light and my poor little 400D camera just couldn't cope with the low light, combined with 2 three year olds and a five year old in not so cooperative moods), but I love this one of my mum.

Jan 18

jan 18

After watching a Thomas and Friends movie, both boys requested I get the train tracks out and they've spent days building tracks around the loungeroom floor.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Jan 17

jan 17
(Hot) Summer nights are no fun, and neither are the grumpy days that follow them!

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