

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jan 31

jan 31

My big boy had his first day of school today. 

He was a little nervous, a little excited but very ready. 

His highlight: having lunch and playing with his buddy (a grade six student)

The 'worst bit': having to lie down on the floor and have a rest

I can't believe I have a child at school! Where did the time go?


  1. Awww sweet picture! I can't imagine how I'll feel when my oldest goes to school - its coming up too fast!

  2. Goodness. That's a rough day for mama! My oldest started kinder this year and the only way I can handle it is the fact that he attends the school where I teach!! I can see him whenever I want:)

  3. Ps. I love all the lines in this shot! And his adorable expression!

  4. What an exciting day!! I'm glad it went well for him. I love his expression, and such pretty light in his eyes!

  5. love the sharpness of your photo~ i know the time goes so fast doesnt it?!


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